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Bot Libre Forum

Website update, response repeat options, improved AIML

による admin 掲載 Oct 19 2015, 15:47

The website was updated today.

The update included new options to have your bot not repeat the same response twice (see http://www.botlibre.com/forum-post?id=11682850).

Our AIML support was also improved, and we added several new AIML files to our Script library from the Square Bear AIML collection, including Tic Tac Toe, 20 Questions, Black Jack, and Binary.


Id: 11682856
タグ: notice, website update, aiml, repeats, games
掲載: Oct 19 2015, 15:47
回答: 0
眺望: 4183, 今日の: 133, 週間: 136, 月: 148
0 0 0.0/5